In collaboration with the University of Toronto's Innovation Hub, my team sought to ease access to the recreational facilities for the student body.
As it currently stands, booking a facility at the University of Toronto (U of T) is a long, complicated and disorganized process through the Universities website. Each of our team members in turn have also shared a negative experience trying to gain access to the gym and other U of T facilities, with it leaving us frustrated and dejected.
So, we asked a simple question: How can we improve this for others?
A Mobile App!
Secondary Research
Primary Research
Our survey was published as a google form and posted on a number of communication channels including Reddit and Discord, while we conducted our interview via Zoom. Each participant was screened to ensure they were representative users, students at U of T. Our interviews contained questions like:
Overall Findings
We found several pain points which can be grouped into four themes:
Scheduling Difficulties
Communication and Information Finding
Physically Accessing and Finding Facilities
Personal Motivation
Each of these reflects issues of scheduling and the organization of information on the sport and recreation website
Persona and Empathy Map
As-Is Scenario
To understand how users interacted with the current iteration of the U of T Recreation website, we created a Current User Journey or As-is Scenario highlighted below.
Each step took our persona through the typical way users interacted and booked on the current platform, highlighting the pitfalls and grievances, i.e pain points, conveyed in our user research.
Big Ideas
Hill Statements
To align our team in our design process, we came up with three hill statements, a statement used to focus a product around the value that it delivers, to address our personas pain points. These were:
These Hill statements situated and guided how we would overcome each pain point in our prototypes.
Medium Fidelity Wireframe
Following participant feedback from our low fidelity prototype we constructed a medium fidelity wireframe. Adding and removing aspects of the app that participants had found to be frustrating or confusing.
The wireframe can be found within this Figma Link.
We optimised three flows and constructed our medium fidelity prototype on Figma. These three flows reflected the hill statements, with each focusing on a different pain point users experienced while navigating the current iteration of the U of T recreation website.
We then had a final usability test of our medium fidelity prototype. From participant feedback via a think aloud protocol, we consolidated our work. Doing three things in particular, which were:
These changes can be reflected below in blue, in contrast to the initial medium fidelity prototype above. Additionally, the final medium fidelity clickable prototype can be found through this Figma Link.